Vera Glass Imagery's
Grand Chance
The Deets
Are you ready for the return of the Vera Glass Imagery's Grand Chance?!
To celebrate the launch of Christmas in July (our Biggest Sale of the Year) starting in just a few days...
You could get your entire session PLUS our MOST popular package for just $25!
Here's how it works.
I will be selling $25 tickets.
I will be selling a total of 250 of them.
You can purchase as many tickets as you would like for your chance to "win" the ultimate Boudoir Experience!
Tickets will be purchased through Venmo ONLY.
If you don't have Venmo, GET IT.
It is simply just the best way for me to keep track of all tickets sold in one spot.
Tickets will be sold from now through 07/05/2024!
To get your ticket(s), FILL OUT THE FORM BELOW with the amount of tickets you would like to purchase.
Be prepared in that moment to send your money, as I will not have time to wait, with needing to keep track of the influx.
I am only one person.
BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE! This is the BEST part!
If you have been thinking about doing a boudoir session anyway, THIS IS THE BEST TIME. Because any tickets purchased can be used toward booking your own session during our Christmas in July Sale! If you DO wish to use your money toward a session, it will be your responsibility let me know by 07/31/2024!
If you choose not to do a boudoir session, and do not "win" the ultimate experience, your money will not be returned to you.
Sooooo! Will you take the chance?!
Fill Out Our Form Below or DM me with your questions!
***Full legal terms and conditions are below the form.
sign up below